Yesterday, over 85 children enjoyed a day of free family fun at Westmorland Shopping Centre, with Boris the Bookworm and characters Wendy and Sydney.
Between them, they could not wait to take families on a whistle-stop tour though well-known moments from age-old fairy tales to craft activities, which included making a bookmark. Families could also participate in a treasure hunt around the centre and our newly appointed charity of the year; Royal Voluntary Service, were at hand to raise awareness of their services.
Westmorland Shopping Centre Manager, Nick Pitt said, “Our previous Little Explorers Kids’ Clubs have always been well received, and this month we gave away 11 goodie bags to children who had attended three or more clubs throughout the year.
“We are thrilled that the community have enjoyed the activities at Westmorland this summer and we are looking forward to hosting our next Little explorers event themed as Toy Testers on Saturday 7 December from 11am – 4pm.”
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